Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Reaction Paper

Based on the article that I’ve read, outsourcing has been a topic for some debates and studies in the past. Debates ranged whether to outsource or not to outsource and so there came up dividing the organization’s operations to commodity and strategic. I would also want to agree that in choosing suppliers, organization must be able to select from a number o bidders to find which among existing suppliers would best provide and satisfy the need of the business. Aside from that, in the negotiation process, the organization must provide negotiating staffs that are technically knowledgeable. During the contract, the business must provide in-house personnel who will mange clashes that might occur inevitably.
In addition, I am in favor of the statement that outsourcing should be selective. Meaning, the entire organization should be classified accordingly and only part of the entire company will be entrusted to the outside provider. They must be able to identify whether the system is truly strategic or commodity.
Organization is not advisable to enter in a long-term contract because technology is moving so fast and they don’t want to be left outdated.
Above all that I have mentioned and with regards to the article, I would like to comment on the manner of discussion on the article. I was expecting it would provide a conclusion at the end but it did not. That’s all.


Blogger x said...

Black can kills

5:44 AM  
Blogger NEOLLE said...

Outsourcing is like an ace in the sleeve, it can bring you success or defeat. Outsourcing not much of a topic that could cause heated arguments or debates, but it is the issue on when, what, how and who to oursource. Before deciding what to outsource, the management should know their IT needs and the role of their IT in their business. It takes careful study and analysis before one can decide whether to outsource IT or not!

8:58 AM  
Blogger Maria Cecilia Anqui said...

With regards to your observation that the article did not give any conclusion...that might be because the authors want to leave that to the reader's mind to make vital decisions. It's like most of the American films wherein the end part is left for us to imagine and wonder what would be next if this...and that...

8:55 PM  
Blogger mimi said...

i agree with rex,outsourcing should not be a cause of arguments or debate..they should study carefully the issue rather than debating.They must consider the company needs and the role of their IT to be able to have a good decision wheather to outsource or not..:)

12:59 AM  
Blogger joy eugene modesto said...

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1:09 AM  
Blogger joy eugene modesto said...

I guess the author did not put an end to the article because there are really a lot of factors in considering what, who, when, where and how are you going to outsource or not. It's a safe play. I also do not want to conclude anything about that particular issue. As rex said, "CAREFUL STUDY AND ANALYSIS BEFORE OUTSOURCING IT OR NOT"

1:11 AM  

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